Friday, April 5, 2013

every nothing

you are something. I am not you thus I am nothing. but if I am nothing and you are something than we are opposites as you are and I am not. If I am nothing and we are opposites than this implies that you are everything which is also the opposite of nothing, thus something is everything; any one bit of the universe is every bit of the universe. then if  you are something, and can be defined by what you are not  , then everything that is not you is nothing as you are something which is everything and they are not you. however since the same can be said of everything (me, a tree, a dog and so on), as they are something than you are also nothing as you are not them; thus everything is nothing so everything else. So the question arises; is there a one true thing that to which everything else is nothing but to which nothing is everything? Is this god? and if so there must also be a one true nothing to which everything is something/everything and nothing is nothing.

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